age discrimination

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Romance may not be dead, but boy can it cause trouble!

12th February 2015

With Valentine’s Day looming, we thought we needed to talk about the burning topic of office romances. You may think that the office affair is a bit of a cliché that only happens in films or in books, but with a quick scoot around the internet, you will find lots of articles covering everything from […]

Dealing with stress at work in 12 practical steps

17th February 2011

  Stress is the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed on them. According to the HSE, about 1 in 7 people say that they find their work either very or extremely stressful (Psychosocial working conditions in Britain in 20071). Depression and anxiety are the most common stress-related complaints […]

Dismissals after the abolition of the Default Retirement Age: Can you still retire your staff?

24th January 2011

We recently wrote about the abolition of the default retirement age (DRA) and warned about the fact that the last date to use the current system is 5th April 2011 with a termination date no later than 30th September 2011. With the recent publication of the ACAS guidance “Working without the default retirement age” we […]

Repeal of the Default Retirement Age: It is coming soon!

29th November 2010

The Government intends to repeal the default retirement age (DRA). From next year, compulsory retirement at age 65 or over can be challenged by the employee. The DRA will be repealed on 1 October next year, with transitional measures in force as early as April 2011– only five months away. Ernest Hemingway commented that retirement […]


19th November 2010

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has just dismissed four appeals from John Berry against recruitment agencies and employers. All four Respondents had posted job adverts requesting “school leavers” or “recent Graduates”. Mr John Berry, age 54, claimed that he had been discriminated against because of his age by these adverts even though he failed to […]